Friday, June 13, 2014

Where Do You See Yourself in 7 Years?

     I am NOT talking about your career or financial goals.... I'm talking about YOUR BODY.. your physical structure, how you function, how you move, How you feel, etc..

     Did you know that the cells of your body turnover (become new) every seven (7) years or so?? (except nerve and brain cells).

     What does that mean?  You can be a NEW you! Making small changes in DIET, exercise, etc, make a HUGE difference over long periods of time.

     When you get an adjustment.. at that moment - you are CLEAR of nerve interference!!  At that moment your brain is communicating to your body with NO interference.. even only for a moment.  At that moment - miracles CAN happen.  This profession started with a Miracle!
     Adding Chiropractic Care NOW to your weekly routine CAN and WILL make a HUGE difference in your life!!

Check out this cool video . . . .

Monday, May 19, 2014

Can it cost us more "to not" Get adjusted...

*from Jason Meyerson D.C.

     When someone is choosing to begin, or even continue with chiropractic visits, COST is always part of the equation.  As part of figuring this out, it is helpful to keep in mind that there is ALSO A COST TO NOT receiving chiropractic care. 
     Spinal mis-alignments (Subluxations) interfere with YOUR NERVE system and the NERVE system is used to express LIFE and control and coordinate every activity of the body.  As a result, interference to your NERVE system CAN AFFECT everything, including YOUR WALLET.

     If you have nerve interference it could decrease your energy level. This may cause you to perform sub par at work. Maybe you don't make that sale at the end of the day or your boss passes you up for a raise or promotion, because of your lowered performance.

     Subluxations may decrease your level of health, by reducing the function of the organs and systems of the body. This could include, for example, your immune, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.
               *Causes of Spinal Misalignments (vertebral subluxation) Part 1

     You may spend more money trying to treat illness, going to medical doctors, on medicine, and taking more days off work.

      Being subluxated may decrease your memory, concentration, and mental capacity. In a classroom setting, these things can lead to poor performance and a grade point average below your capabilities.

     Having a vertebral subluxation may change your reaction time, range of motion, coordination, and recovery time. If you workout or play sports these alterations, in your body, may lead to injury or poor performance. 

     Your NERVE system plays a vital role in the proper function of your sex organs. A compromised nervous system could decrease your fertility or function.

     Your ability to handle stress can be lessened by a compromised nervous system. How you are able to handle, react and adapt to each situation that arises depends greatly on a proper functioning nervous system.
                                 *Cause of Vertebral Subluxations Part 2
      The glands and cells of the body depend on a good nerve supply so they can make the chemicals the body needs. A disruption to the messages traveling along the nervous system, to these cells and glands, will result in a chemical imbalance that could affect mood, digestion, metabolism, healing and more.

     Is there a financial cost to weekly lifetime chiropractic care? Yes, but there is also a big payoff and a big savings to living subluxation free.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Psycho-Neuro-Immunology and Chiropractic

Huh?  Psycho what?  No, its real!  According to various studies, how  you think (Psychology), your Nerve System and Immune System are connected!  That's good news!   
      We know that mental states such as STRESS influence our health and effect our immune system.  We are more prone to illness and injury when we are stressed out.  I do not need a scientific study to prove that!

     BUT, let's flip our scenario.  What happens when we are happy? 
"In 1964, magazine editor Norman Cousins was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a life-threatening autoimmune disease, and given a 1 in 500 chance of recovery. Cousins rejected his doctors' prognosis and embarked on his own program of happiness therapy, including regular doses of Marx Brothers films, and credited it with triggering a dramatic recovery. He later established the Cousins Center, which is dedicated to investigating whether psychological factors really can keep people healthy. "
     Research in the 80's and 90's revealed that the Brain is directly wired to the immune system - portions of the nerve system connect with immune related organs such as the thymus gland and bone marrow(where cancer and disease fighting white blood cells are born). 
            What is Chiropractic?  (Less than 2 minute video) 
     The mind-body connection is critical for every health and well being and studies are finally proving what we have intuitively know for centuries - everything is connected!  "For as he thinketh in his heart, so he is" Proverbs 23:7 KJV.  Our thoughts, our nerve system and immune system are connected!        
      CHIROPRACTIC improves neural function by removing interference at the spinal level.  The nerve system control and coordinates you bodily functions.  All eleven (11) body systems depend upon the mental impulses that leave the brain and travel along nerves innervating ( control) every tissue in the body.  The bones of the spine PROTECT this system.  Spinal health and the IMMUNE system are connected. 
From Dr,, andScientific American, Nov 23,2013

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Using the Laws of Physics to Build Health...

Newton's First Law of Motion - "A body in motion tends to stay in motion, a body at rest tends to stay at rest" 

Can this help us build power in the body?

When we start something new (that is good for us),for example, taking a yoga class, it can be a slow go. You go a few times, miss a week or two, BUT if you keep at it, a new powerful habit forms and we build momentum. 

The same idea applies to weekly adjustments in the office. The more often you get checked the benefits start to build and gain momentum inside the body. How your spine functions is KEY to longevity and health.  Millions of nerve fibers enter and exit from tiny holes that lie in between your spinal bones.  These nerves coordinate every function in your body.  Keeping the spine FREE of nerve interference is essential to longevity!

The rest of the law states "unless acted upon an outside force"  In what areas are you stuck?  Find an 'outside force' to get you going again! It could be a friend or colleague who motivates you or simply starting a new class.

Author Bill Cates says this well....

Potential vs. Kinetic Energy
"Holding a bowling ball in your hand is potential energy. Rolling the ball down the lane is kinetic energy. Reading this newsletter is potential energy. Acting on the ideas is kinetic energy. I think you get the idea.
Knowledge is NOT power. Ideas DO NOT make you more successful. Acting on knowledge... implementing ideas... is power.
What idea or strategy have you been sitting on that, if you'd just get started, would help you accomplish a goal in life or business? 
Sometimes the hardest part to success is getting the strategy started - overcoming the inertia to turn the idea into action and results.
May I suggest that in the coming year - you see yourself as a person of action... as a person who doesn't let inertia set in... as a person who turns ideas into results".

Great advice!   

If you have 5 minutes, check out the video which goes through the many benefits of chiropractic adjustments!
               "The Chiropractic Minute(s) #11: The Chiropractic Pyramid"

Monday, February 10, 2014

Health and Vitality - Build It!

Very Cool Pic and Analogy!

Health and Life are like a bucket of water.  When the water level is high WE are full of health and vitality.  Unfortunately, there are leaks - stress, disease, toxins, aging, injuries, hereditary factors, etc..

Fortunately, we can do something about this.  We can add health raising activities to the bucket. (Remember, little things matter).  For example -

*Exercise - 5 - 10 minutes a day to start, do something, stretch, breathe, walk - start slow.
*Rest - sleep, naps.. etc.
*Nutrition - spend some time and learn, get a coach, start small
*Attitude - What you focus on the most... can and will dominate our life.. it matters!! Church, Spiritual practices.
*Chiropractic - NERVE FORCE!
                           The Chiropractic Minute #5: The Bucket Analogy               


Monday, January 20, 2014

Strengthen Your Focus - Get Clear!

What do you want this year?  Do you want to double your income? Lose 20 pounds? Start a business? Better Relationship? Get in shape? Plan a beach vacation?  Whatever it is.. get clear! 
I have read somewhere that "  Life is the study of attention" 
Note to self: What we focus on - grows.  Where we focus our attention  - is what we get. 

If one is clear about getting healthy - then we need to focus on activities that will raise health.  This may require some new habits, subtle shifts in daily routines, some time to read and learn, and it may cost a little money. 

Whatever it is, we need to stay CLEAR and focused, grounded and prepared.
YES, a CLEAR nervous system WILL make a HUGE difference... Check out the video below (JUST 2 minutes) and thanks for reading!