Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Adjustment . . . keeping it real, keeping it simple. . .

Monday, July 19, 2010

Want to Feel and Function Better? The Law of Persistence says . . . . . .

"I will persist until I succeed"
When is comes to building health . . persist, persist, persist. . do not give up. It is NOT an overnight thing.

Even just Ten (10) minutes a day. . can make a difference in the long term.

What can we do in just 10 minutes? How about stretch, deep breathing exercises, yoga exercises, pushups and pullups, walk, drink water, etc.

It's the little things that can make a big difference over the long haul

Oh, and of course, get an adjustment!

Getting an adjustment in this office only takes a few minutes but will make a huge difference in your long term health.