Thursday, December 19, 2013

Build Momentum

Starting a new health plan, a wealth plan etc, etc, requires time and patience and maybe a little bit of money.   

You may see little results in the beginning... but little by little you BUILD momentum.  Results start to show and accumulate.   

The same principle applies to consistent chiropractic adjustments!   

Your body functions and heals more efficiently.. with time and repetition you begin to feel clearer and feel better.  The healthier days begin to outnumber the unhealthy days... 

The Chiropractic Minute #8: How Do You View Your Health?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Don't Forget About The 90%

85 to 90% of our NERVE SYSTEM we DO NOT FEEL!  Society, TV, etc mostly focus on the 10%. This is a dangerous indicator of health. 

     Keep this in mind.. as you go through your week. Pursue activities that make the body stronger!!  How you feel may not be the best indicator of "how am I doing".

A video classic.  "What is Chiropractic" Short and sweet.. under 2 minutes.

Friday, October 04, 2013

It's Much More than Pushing on Backbones!

     I know what you're saying... how can pushing on back bones affect how I function 'inside'.. immunity, digestion, sleep, organ functions, stress reduction? The adjustment CLEARS the connection between your brain and body.. Powerful Stuff!! As a matter of fact, the FIRST adjustment in 1895 had NOTHING to do with back pain!

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

When Structure changes ... so does the Function!

     When you put a suitcase on top of your car, you have altered (temporarily at least) the structure of your car, affecting its weight, its wind resistance,its gas mileage, its brake distance, its tire wear, etc.
     A vertebral subluxation is a change in structure of the spine that affects the function of the nerve system. It causes altered spinal biomechanics, abnormal body function,it drains energy, and can cause many other problems. The only thing left is to determine how long you are willing to tolerate this altered function for yourself, your friends, and love ones.
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Think of it this way . .would you use a tennis racket to play golf? Of course not. Structure affects function. . . always. Alter the structure of the spine and you alter the functions of the body.
Chiropractic works on structure to restore function!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Let's focus our attention on....

As we move through the summer , let's focus our attention on - what we want , not what we don't want.  Let's focus on health, success, prosperity, abundance for ourselves and our loved ones.

There are things we can control and there are things we cannot control.

Let's focus on what we can control: What we eat, what we wear, how we think, whether we exercise or not, what we read, to name a few.

What we cannot control: The weather,other people's behavior, what other people think and say.  We definitely can come up with more examples.
When you come into my office, I put my attention and focus on two things, you and your spine, and I know that after an adjustment your entire body is working - better!  It's that simple.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Can you hear me now???

We have ALL been there!  Dropped calls, etc..

By now we're all familiar with the expression, "Can you hear me now?"
And who didn't chuckle at the brilliant advertising that saw the husband mistakenly bring home Charo (of "cuchi-cuchi" fame) because of poor cell reception.
Lack of communication leads to confusion and discord.
The phrase, "Can you hear me now?" as a measure of the quality of communication that is occurring seems the perfect slogan for chiropractic in as much as the objective of the adjustment is to restore proper communication within the body.

When spinal bones misalign and disrupt nerve system function, what is known as a vertebral subluxation, they create the same situation that occurs when you have a poor signal on your cell phone.

The cells, tissues, and organs of your body can't function the way they were intended if they are not receiving proper direction from the brain. This leads to disharmony, imbalance, and disorganization.
Chiropractors identify these areas and correct them, so that harmony can be restored, balance can be achieved, and the workings of the infinite wisdom of the body can return you to a state of organization.
"Can you hear me now?"

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why My Office is Different

Why this is office is different is based upon my objective.

My objective is to analyze, locate and adjust Vertebral Subluxations.  Why?  Simply because they, in and of themselves, interfere with the expression of LIFE!

That is it, nothing more, nothing less.

Medical insurance, X-Rays, physical therapy or nutritional supplements are NOT needed to SAFELY perform the chiropractic adjustment and that is WHY I do not do them here.

My personal mission is to share Chiropractic with as many people humanly possible and to teach that health and life come from the inside out.  The only way to achieve this is to have a fee system that reflects this mission.  I make my fees very affordable so anyone at any time can receive quality chiropractic care.

Another difference is that no appointments are necessary! This is a great feature in our busy lives!  I put a calender out each month with days and time that the office is open.

NO Insurance needed
NO appointments
NO one selling you anything
NO therapies
NO x-rays
NO waiting (10 minutes tops)
Just pure straight Chiropractic at its best...

So come on by, bring a friend or loved one!.

Dr. Scott

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You and your Smart Phone

These new phones are AMAZING!

    It is incredible what they can do.... emails, texts, weather, facebook, twitter feeds, pandora music, movies, youtube videos, get an instant score on that college football game, video camera, regular camera, apps and apps, etc,.. oh, and I forgot, it's a phone too!

     But, what happens when you lose that connection?!  Frustrating?  You know what I mean. Everything is working fine, then all of a sudden, bamm . . what happened?  Calls get dropped or the other person's voice is not CLEAR or that text doesn't go through, etc..

     And that's the word - CLEAR.  You lost that clear connection between the phone and the cell tower!  Sure, the phone can still work, but it doesn't function the way it was designed to, or function the best that it can.  Without a clear connection it just may not work at all!!

     Our bodies work in similar way.  We need a clear connection between the brain and body!  Its our nerve system that is responsible for this connection.  All of our cells, tissues, and organs depend upon this vital connection to function properly.  Spinal misalignments called vertebral subluxations interfere with the nerve system.  When this happens,  the connection is just not as CLEAR as it can be!  Sure, we still function, but not the best that we can.  This nerve connection is vital to LIFE!

   The chiropractic adjustment will help keep this connection clear so that your body systems do not experience any dropped calls!

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Chiropractic Principles of Life.

Chiropractic Principle #1

“A Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it
all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence.”

     No, its not new age and its not about religion. This is the Major Premise, in chiropractic, the starting point. the first principle. This principle is the foundation for chiropractic philosophy.

     In Chiropractic, we define Universal Intelligence as the Law or Principle
of Organization on an atomic level.
Science acknowledges that all matter is made up of atoms. Universal Intelligence is the principle of organization that maintains these atoms. When we look at matter, the first observable fact is that wherever there is organization there is intelligence. Observing the vast expanse of the Universe to the electron microscope we see organization. The planets do not whirl about the galaxy in a random manner. There is an orderliness about them. Our own planet has such order to its movement that we keep track of time by it. Days, months, and seasons are determined by the orderly movement of the Earth.

     Organization bespeaks intelligence. That organization even demonstrates itself in the orderly movement of atomic particles, protons and electrons. The orderliness of the atom indicates intelligence. Every atom, whether an oxygen, hydrogen, or uranium demonstrates the same principle of organization. So, we say that all matter expresses Universal Intelligence or “there is a universal intelligence in all matter”

     Thoreau gives what may be the best example of the existence of universal
intelligence principle of organization. Suppose you were walking down the street and you found a watch lying on the ground. You had never seen a watch before. You look at it and see that one of the hands moves in steady manner and being curious you play with it and the back fall off. Inside are little gears, springs, and metal parts moving in an organized Manner. Would you conclude the watch just happened by accident? Of course you would not. Any person of sound mind would logically conclude that some intelligent being formed the parts and organized them into a functioning unit. The Universe, the human body, and the atom are much more intricate than a pocket watch. We conclude that  “there is a universal intelligence in all matter.”

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Talk to any financial guru, read any books about financial freedom, talk to most wealthy people, and they will ALL share with you a 'principle' that contributed greatly to their wealth.  They always pay themselves first.  The usual number is around 10%.  They gradually build up their assests over time.

Of course, its easier said then done!

BUT, no matter what our finanancial situation, WE can APPLY this PRINCIPLE to our HEALTH!!

Truth - Every week we are either getting stronger or weaker.  It's part of life and there is no getting around it.  The stresses of life are here to stay.  We need to increase our 'Resilience', which is our ability to adapt to the every day stresses of life, whether they are physical, emotional, chemical, etc..

Truth - We are NOT told what health is, we are told what the ABSCENCE of health is -- which is disease, dysfunction, unhappiness. 

Health is simply your body's ability to adapt to the stresses of the internal and external environment in which we exist.  The better we adapt the stronger we are.  The failure to adapt the more health goes away.

This idea that 'if it ain;t broke, don't fix it" is dangerous when it comes to our body.

Please, don't get me wrong.  There are health nuts out there who dont' live long, and then there are sedentary people who live long lives.  BUT, as a society,we are not doing well. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, alzheimers, MS, fibromyalgia, etc, etc, etc are more prevelant today than ever before.  Why?  I don't know..   But WHY not PAY yourself first!!!

*Pay yourself first - every week,or day, make a deposit in your health bank account!!.  It doesn't matter what it is, stretching, water, more veggies, a 10 minute walk, a little yoga or Tai Chi .etc, etc,

PLEASE don't tell me WE don't have 10 to 20 minutes a day!!  WE have to schedule it.  To Pay yourself first, we have to schedule our weekly activities IN advance! 

Schedule your weekly adjustment - in advance!!

Think about it.... My video about health discusses this idea ..