Saturday, August 25, 2007

Nerve Power!

I wanted to share with you a little blurb from a gentleman named Jon Gordon. You can check him out at His theme is 'energy' and how to improve it, get more of it, etc. He also talks about stress. Very interesting.

My comments are in bold.

JG - " the age of physical strength is over. Darwin's - Survival of the Fittest - is history. Unless you're a soldier or living in the wilderness, rarely does one have to run from a tiger or fight hand to hand combat anymore. Survival today depends much less on our physical ability to conquer someone and relies much more on our ability to transform and manage stress"

Isn't that true. Transform and manage stress? What's that? One way - is to get your spine checked for vertebral subluxations on a weekly basis.

JG - " In our energy-strapped, technology - driven, time -constrained society, the new law of the land is survival of the calmest. I call it 'Conscious Darwinism". Instead of evolving physically to meet the attacks of predators, we must evolve consciously to meet the challenges of a radically changing society. After all, its not the tigers and wild animals but our own fearful, stressful, and negative thoughts that cause us harm. Instead of fighting other tribes, now we must fight the lines at Starbucks and battle traffic during our daily commutes. Everywhere you turn, people are stressed out."

Haven't I said over and over that emotional stress causes spinal misalignments. We are all very busy. We work very hard in this country and enjoy a high standard of living. But at what cost. We are stressed out. Emotional stress takes its toll slowly on the body. It is usually very subtle. Little things can slowly add up over time. The first step is to become aware of your lifestyle. One way to become healthier and manage stressis to make small changes. Add one health raising activity to your life this week, like taking a 10 minute walk or getting your spine checked.

JG - " think of stress like a dam or wall that blocks a flowing river, causing stagnant water and the build up of toxins, bacteria, pesticides and other harmful influences. In our flowing energetic bodies, stress creates and energy blockage that stops the healthy flow of our energetic matter. Since energy creates matter, energy blockages create physical blocks. When our energy is stagnant we are more prone to toxins and illnesses."

Life flows over the nerve system. Bones of your spine protect the spinal cord and nerves. The stresses of daily life can cause the spinal bones to misalign which put pressure on and can alter the function of these nerves and interfere with the flow of life over the nerve system. I check your spine for these misalignments and provide a gentle force called an adjustment. The adjustment helps correct these misalignments, allowing life to flow over the nerve system.

JG - "another way to think of stress is to realize that our bodies require communication at the energetic level between cells via electromagnetic signals and frequencies to maintain harmony, balance and health. Each cell needs to know what the others are doing in order for us to not fall apart ( our inner intelligence is simply fascinating). Unfortunately, stress effects this inner intelligence and harmony. Stress is like a radio signal jammer that effects our cells' ability to communicate with other cells. This leads to more disharmony inside the body and more dis-ease."

Wow, this is chiropractic philosophy from a non-chiropractor! In chiropractic, we talk about the innate intelligence of the body. This intelligence is simply a principle of organization thatuses the nerve system to run and control the body. A spinal misalignment or vertebral subluxation interferes with the function of the innate intelligence. This leads to disharmony or dis -ease which can affect our cells ability to communicate with each other. Get your spine checked and adjusted and increase your 'nerve power'

Great stuff. Scott P. Timpanelli, D.C.