Tuesday, November 10, 2009


If you want the best results in life. . . be consistent! We always get the consequences of our actions. Health happens by choice, not chance.

The human body requires necessary maintenance for health. If these needs are not met, one has to expect problems. These needs include sleep, food, exercise, chiropractic, positive mental attitude, spirituality, etc. It has become trendy and cool to neglect your body and even do things that are harmful. Most people neglect their bodies most of their lives and then complain and feel angry when their bodies begin to fall apart at the young age of 40, 50 ,or 60, when that simply was the consequence of their actions.

Generally, we are responsible for the results in our lives. I say . . .break the cycle. Understand, anything that makes the body stronger is an important investment in life. You may have 5 houses, 3 cars, but you will only have one body and it doesn't come with replaceable parts. Keep things simple. Find fun ways to cook healthy foods. Get rest each night and in the day if possible. Find a fun exercise program that you can do consistently 2-4 times a week.

Be as consistent as possible and you will experience positive changes in your life!

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